OTHERS 기타 품목
Safety Net 안전망
Through the economic progress, the life of mankind becomes valuable. To protect the workers and habitants, the safety nets in building construction become an assential safeguard for both workers and builders.
The various usage of the safety nets also provides economical and environmentally good looking for sports facilities to protect the spectators as well as to prevent the balls from flying outside.
The necessary information and technical data are available with us. We tailor the safety net to your needs. They are packaged completely to be assembled easily.
각종 설비와 작업자 보호용 안전망을 생산, 공급합니다.
Construction Safety Net
Golf Net
Tennis Protect Net
Spectator Safety Net
Shark Protect Net
Anti-Rock Net
We add the BEAUTY for the spectator
Sports Net 스포츠망
Baseball Net
Baseball Net
Tenis Net
Soccer Net
Soccer Net
Golf Net
Twine 연 사
The Yusung twine will generate the highest productivity and the least wastage. This is proved in many oversea factories with partical use.
The significant merits of YUSUNG TWINE are
Selected raw material for the highest breaking strength
Uniform degree of twist
Perfect balance of twist
Less knots or defect in given length
Best desired packing for various usages.
유성 연사는 어망 생산효율이 뛰어나고, 로스가 최소입니다.
유성 연사의 특장점은 최우수 품질의 원사 사용, 연도의 균일성, 상하연 연도의 밸런스, 매디가 없는 포장단위
Available :
Industrial raw material for Fishing Net Industry, Twine for Hand Weaving Net, Sewing Thread, and Mending Twine
Quality packing as :
Precision Winding : 1/4LB, 1/2LB, 1LB, 2LB
200GR, 500GR, 1KG, 2KG
Packed in : 4 or 6 INCH Plastic Tube(Bobbin)
Open Winding(R/T): About 500GR, 1KG, 2KG
Packed in : 6 or 10 INCH Palstic Tube(Bobbin)
Hank : 1/2 LB, 1LB
200GR, 500GR, 3.5LB(24Hank)
Packed in : 10 or 20 Hank/Bundle